The following constants evaluate to the provided numbers:
Name | Value | Description |
pi | 3.141592 | pi |
e | 2.71828 | Euler's number |
JSLogo can define colors with the color/shade paradigm, or using HTML colors. These include named strings like 'black' and 'light blue' or hex codes like #bcbcbc.
When using the Logo color codes, users can set a base color followed by a shade. Shade is a number from 0 to 100, with the lower number beign darker and the higher number being lighter. The default is 50. Colors are as follows:
Color Code | Color |
0 | red |
10 | orange |
20 | yellow |
30 | green |
40 | blue-green |
50 | aqua |
60 | blue |
70 | darker blue |
80 | purple |
90 | bright pink |
100 | red (again) |
Last updated on December 21, 2022